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Michael Y. Zheng

Consigliere in CNSU

Hello everyone! I am Michele Zheng, I am 24 years old and I am attending the master's degree in Politics and Policy Analysis. I am currently a representative in CNSU (National Council of University Students) at the Ministry of University and Research with Unilab Svoltastuenti.

Every three years, a student representative is elected to the National Council of University Students (CNSU), which plays a crucial role in representing the interests of university students at the Ministry of University and Research. The next elections will be in 2025.

The CNSU is the highest university representative body, it is consulted by the Minister for issues relating to university students and provides mandatory opinions on the main acts of direction and distribution of resources, such as the Budget Law and the FFO.

The CNSU may formulate proposals and motions on matters of general interest to the university, which may concern various aspects of academic life and university policies. It may propose contributions on issues relating to students, through opinions and motions, which may include improvements in teaching, research, student services and inclusion policies."

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