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Michael Y. Zheng
Consigliere in CNSU
Hello everyone! I am Michele Zheng, I am 24 years old and I am attending the master's degree in Politics and Policy Analysis. I am currently a representative in CNSU (National Council of University Students) at the Ministry of University and Research with Unilab Svoltastuenti.
Every three years, a student representative is elected to the National Council of University Students (CNSU), which plays a crucial role in representing the interests of university students at the Ministry of University and Research. The next elections will be in 2025.
The CNSU is the highest university representative body, it is consulted by the Minister for issues relating to university students and provides mandatory opinions on the main acts of direction and distribution of resources, such as the Budget Law and the FFO.
The CNSU can formulate proposals and motions on matters of general interest for the university, which may concern various aspects of academic life and university policies. It can propose contributions on issues relating to students, through opinions and motions, which may include improvements in teaching, research, student services and inclusion policies.
Tommaso Belotti
Undergraduate School Council
My name is Tommaso Belotti, I come from Bergamo (lower) and I am 21 years old.
Chiara Sacchetti
Graduate School Council
Hi, I'm Chiara Sacchetti, I come from Segrate. I attend ESS, after completing the three-year course in BESS.
Alessandro D'avino
School of Law Council
I am Alessandro D'Avino, fourth year CLMG, and I have proudly held the role of law school representative for 2 years now.
Alessandro Allò
Faculty Council: Academic Council
Hello everyone! My name is Alessandro Allò, I am 23 years old and I come from Crotone. I am currently attending the second year of the Master of Science in Accounting, Financial Management, and Control (AFC).
Sara Gambardella
Faculty Council: Disciplinary Committee
Hello everyone! I'm Sara, I'm 23 years old and I'm in my second year of EMIT (the master's degree in economics and management of innovation and technology).
Giovanni Barbaro
I.S.U. Steering Commitee
I am Giovanni Barbaro, from Puglia and a CLEF graduate.
Chiara Tua
Accounting Department
Hi everyone, I'm Chiara Tua, I'm 21 years old and I'm in my first year of Marketing ENG.
Pietro Villa
Department of Social & Political Sciences
I am Pietro Villa, a third year BESS student of 3 and I come from Turin, a city in the north-west of Italy.
Antonia di Tuccio
Department of Decision Sciences
I'm Antonia Di Tuccio, I come from Lacedonia (AV) and I'm attending the third year of CLEAM, of which I am class representative.
Giulia Gambardella
Department of Legal Studies
Hi, my name is Giulia and I'm now in my 4th year of law school.
I like to think I'm an incredibly funny and ironic person, but the truth is that I would laugh at anything.
My main skills include the art of elegant procrastination and the ability to appear busy when I'm actually doing nothing.
In any case, I love meeting new people and helping out when I can, so for anything, feel free to contact me!
Lorenzo Ricciardi
University Sports Committee
Hello! I am Lorenzo Ricciardi and I am a first year student at EMIT. I am a Representative to the University Sports Committee and I am in charge of spreading the culture of sports and the initiatives of Bocconi Sport Team among the University students. This role was born from my great passion for sports that I have always had. I am very proud to be in direct contact with all the university sports initiatives.
Matilda Caligiuri
Evaluation unit
Hello everyone.
I am Matilde Caligiuri, a third year student of Business Administration and Management, a course of which I am a representative.
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