Antonia di Tuccio
I'm Antonia Di Tuccio, I come from Lacedonia (AV) and I'm attending the third year of CLEAM, of which I am class representative.
The most popular question I've been asked over the past few years has been, "But who makes you do it?"
Fortunately, finding an answer didn't require much effort, because it was pure spontaneity.
For me, representation is an innate propensity, which I believe can be easily perceived thanks to empathy, the ability to involve and at the same time understand others.
The experience within the collegial bodies, as well as outside, have made me more aware of how one can make a difference for the university and how collaboration is essential to achieve any goal. I couldn't be more proud to be part of such an incredible reality that can proactively face all the work that lies ahead.
Department of Decision Sciences