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Sara Gambardella
Hi everyone! I'm Sara, I'm 23 and I'm in my second year of EMIT (the master's degree in economics and management of innovation and technology). Sunny, brutally honest and easy-going, I don't know how to fake it (which you can always tell by my facial expressions). I love meeting and talking to new people, so if in doubt you can find me in session at Biblio all day long and out of session on Monday evenings at TOM.
Faculty Council: Disciplinary Committee
The Representatives in the Disciplinary Committee sit during the committee meetings and contribute to the development of sanction proposals, which must then be confirmed by the Academic Council, to be issued to those who have broken the rules of the Honor Code.
So what is the Honor Code? It is a code containing rules of conduct that every Bocconi student must respect. To give you an idea: there are also rules that emphasize that you cannot cheat during exams or enter the attendance code while you are not in class.
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